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Are you missing me?

Well it’s just an idea and it’s worth a try, so here goes…


Text me for a free telephone appointment, I’ll book you in and then we’ll have a chat about the things that are concerning you.  


If it’s appropriate, I’ll do a video to demonstrate what I’m saying and add it to the forum on my website.


As always, it will all be confidential, unless you say you are happy for me to mention names.


Once the video is on the forum, any members of the forum can take a look and see what the video is about and if it is appropriate to them.  


In addition, if you see something on the video that sparks a question in your mind, you can ask questions on the forum, and I will answer it on the forum, so that the answer is there for everyone else to see.


This is just a trial, so there is no charge to existing clients, I’m doing it because I want to, and I don’t even know if it will work, but I’m happy to give it a go if you are.



DISCLAIMER: Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something I have said, or you have seen on my forum.


If you do not wish to receive emails from me, please just say, and I will remove you from my mailing list, no questions asked.






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