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Personal Desk


Personal Desk


Consultations and Programmes

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Studies show that more people successfully maintain long term health habits when they follow a step by step plan with support, guidance and motivation from not only a health professional, but also from group contact with accountability to themselves and others. 


The packages I offer provide a gradual, step by step process, combined with group and personalised support and motivation to maximise the success of habit changes that promote long term optimal health.  

Subscribe to optional health


Designed for people who want to optimise their health on a budget.  All the personalised information is available at a very low cost, with discounts and regular group chat facilities for motivation and support, plus the option to add on any of the extra’s that you need. 

Kick-start to health


Designed for people who would like unlimited support, guidance, motivation and accountability, with everything they need from meal plans and shopping lists to functional medicine health test analysis and interpretation. 

Invest for health


Designed for people who are suffering with health issues and struggling to know what to do about it.  You may have tried your medical practitioner, or received a diagnosis that standard medical care is unable to satisfactorily support.  You may need further personalised investigations and several functional medicine tests to delve deep into understanding your body at a cellular level, in order to inform how to support your body towards becoming the healthiest version of you. 

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